Saturday, April 9, 2011


So my trip in australia is almost over but I have to say we are going to finish it well because I'm going tomorrow with Andre, Pauline, Amandine and Jessi to the Supafest in Perth watch Snoop Dogg and Nelly amongst others, live. Thats going to be a crazy night.
Other good news:
1- Im going to Bali on my way home, never visited the place so I'm super excited to surf good lefts and practice tube riding.
2-My sponsor Orange asked me to chose a famous person to teach them how to surf.... Got any idea for me? Should be sick anyway...
Thats it will post some Supafest photos soon!


  1. Salut Leeann, je trouve que tu surfe super bien et que tu as beaucoup de chance de pouvoir autant voyager !!!! Quel rêve Bali, l'Australie ...

    Bon surf :)

  2. moi j'aimerais bien voir Gad Elmaleh surfer...ou Roger Federer ;)

  3. haha j ai pense presque a la meme chose Florence Foresti ou Tsonga!
    je pense que ca va etre drole.... C'est vrai que Gad Elmaleh ca serait cool, si Florence Foresti dit non je lui demanderai!
