Thursday, April 8, 2010

first day in NZ

yesterday i woke up and was all happy to be in NZ. Unfortunately, I can't rent a car yet and the spot in front of my hotel was flat... so I went for a walk, just taking photos of myself with the go pro and trying to get the mountain in the background, but that didn't really work...
for info this is the moutain:


And then a woman in a tiny red car stopped and asked me:"are you lost.??"
it was actually Amaya, she's originally from Bakio Basque Country, pretty close from where I live, and has been living there for 7 years.... She said: "you need to train! jump in the car!" Alright....

She took me to Back Beach in her shopping trolley, and we scored some really fun waves, rights and left and surfed until the sun came down... Taranaki is such a beautiful place, I am stoked to discover this place and get to compete here.... the contest starts on the 11th, stay tuned!


  1. Just seen you on NZ TV. All the best to you for your competition and enjoy NZ...that's an awesome place!!!

    A french guy in Auckland


  2. Enjoy New Zealand, and the people there, you'll see they are so friendly, may be coz they live in such a beautiful country.
    Viva New Zealand, viva leeann, and vive le pays basque!!


  3. good luck for the first round, follow the local Paige Hareb during the contest!!!

  4. J'irai surfer (près de) chez vous... NZ
    A road movie, by sea, ocean and wave by L-A Curren... XD
    Good Pictures, it's very sunny there, nothing compared to P.... (headtown of France). NZ is unique, because it's an Island, and so there is a flora and a fauna very different of us. (except the fact that there is 10 sheeps per men according to my old lessons).
    I am thinking, if I make the macarena dance in France, do you will have good vibrations and good waves ? (I've try it one time to make the rain fall, but after this, people want me to see a doctor...) Or have "la Chabal attitude"...

  5. Great post!
    Hope you finally unleash during this comp!

  6. hi, muito bonita as fotos!
    espero que vc esteja bem e aproveite muito essa viagem!
    i have a good news about the project.
    good luck in the contest!

  7. hi i like ur surfing. my name isobella and im 9 i live in Ballina AUS. when i grow up i want to be like u a really good surfer. i catch lots of good waves with my dad. I am in a surfing club called ALL GIRLS in LENNOX HEAD i am a long border and i am going to gold coast to see u surf next roxy pro and i wish i could meet u and autograph. :)
