Monday, March 26, 2012

flying to Bali!

Hey all,
my trip in Margaret River has come to an end, this year we got some amazing waves and i had a lot of fun. I did alright in the comp, only made one round but finally got good scores in a heat (8,0 and 6,5) and I will try to take that as something positive, to move onto the next comp in France.
Im going to be in Bali surfing for the next to weeks (kept the best for the end!), and then finally back home.
I have a bunch of videos that I want to put online too, but Australia has the worst connexion in the world, maybe Bali will be better?
I will try sending news more often now. Thanks for the ones who have been supporting me during those contests! I know I could have done much better but I still had fun and learned a lot.

photo: Lima Jr



  1. Bravo pour votre blog, textes travaillés, photos dépaysantes. Merci de partager votre passion. Pouvez vous me dire ou étiez vous à Bali? Kuta? Uluwatu? Ou autres d'ailleurs? Continuez de nous faire rêver. Jadoooooore.
